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Algonquin College News

Learner benefits part 3: streamlined processes improve learner experience

April 22, 2024

The R3 Project is not just about investing in a new Student Information System (SIS). Rethinking and redesigning the many business processes across the College is another important piece of the puzzle, and this is directly in line with the project’s objectives. One of these objectives is to improve student success and satisfaction.


These business processes are also helping us define how the new Student Portal will work. To put it simply, the portal will make our learners’ lives easier as they navigate through their academic journey.


So, we’re going to continue to focus on our learners. Of course, there are so many benefits our employees will also be experiencing once we go live with Thesis SM, which is all part of the College’s Mission and Vision!


With that being said, the next learner benefit is Streamlined Processes.


As we implement a new SIS, we have the opportunity to review and potentially redesign more than 100 business processes across the College to improve the learner experience. One example is the Fee Payment process. Within the new Student Portal, learners can see outstanding fees, make payments and view their updated account balance. By redesigning the underlying Fee Payment process and removing manual steps, information will be available much faster than it is today in GeneSIS.


With the new Fee Payment process, we’re able to expand online payment options. Learners will also be able to benefit from real-time integration within Thesis SM.


To better explain how streamlining our processes will impact our learners, let’s stick with the Fee Payment process as an example.


In the new Student Portal, learners will be able to see when a payment is due. In just a few steps, learners can make a payment using Flywire, which is directly linked to the portal. Learners will then see the payment show up on their account once they’re done – it’s as easy as that! What’s more, domestic and international students will have the same payment options, which is what streamlined processes are all about.


We also presented how the Fee Payment process will work at our November 2023 Showcase event! Jessica Trask, Business Systems Analyst with the R3 Project, provided a live demo of how learners will submit payments using Flywire.


There are so many more ways in which the R3 Project is actively working on improving the overall experience for our learners here at Algonquin College. So far, we’ve covered the Personalized Learner Experience, Improved Communications and Streamlined Processes. Stay tuned as we uncover another learner benefit shortly — you don’t want to miss it!